Monday, September 10, 2012


Avery on Christmas morning a few years ago
When I was 13, I decided one day to go to eastern Oregon with my dad so see a friend of his. He was delivering trees like he did every so weeks and the customer had an English Bulldog named Bently. My dad had all these funny stories about how Bently would chase ants, or when you put a bucket on his head he would run around and trip over things. So I decided I wanted to see for myself. He was just as funny as my dad described him too. He rolled around in the shade cover most the day until we left. Then on our way home we made one last stop to my dads friend Arons house. My dad had forgotten his dog had blue heeler puppies, and as soon as we went to the back yard I was covered with a million tiny kisses! After much begging and hoping my dad gave in and got me my very own female blue heeler. I later named her Avery. She is my pride and joy, she looks at me like I'm the most wonderful person in the world, and even after I'm mean to her she instantly forgives and loves me. its been four years since I got that wiggling ball of fur and I could'nt love anything more if I tried <3

Bently in the shade cover

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